The following few pages show that Luthor is being attacked by some gangsters, with Superman having to work around the clock to protect his former foe. The comic then shows that Luthor and Superman are forming a friendship, with Luthor showing how he is going to turn his old lair into a lab to cure heart disease. Superman is shocked to hear of this and comes to truly believe that Lex Luthor has reformed, with Superman even vouching for Luthor at his parole hearing.

Luthor believes that he can use this to cure cancer and, after convincing the prison warden to allow him to use the prison lab, Luthor creates a cure for cancer. The story starts by showing Lex Luthor discovering a mysterious rock known as Element Z in prison. Issue #149 of Superman is a three-part, imaginary story that features the death of the Last Son of Krypton. However, while the art surrounding this story is iconic, it isn’t the first time Superman has been killed in the comics and it might not even be the best story to feature Superman’s death! The story made headlines around the world as the Dan Jurgens penned tale showed how the Man of Steel met his end against the might of Doomsday. The new rewards are permanent additions to the game.The Death of Superman is one of the most iconic Superman stories of all time. PLEASE NOTE: The content spotlight and 5x Stabilizer Fragments will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Wednesday. The standard Stabilizer Fragment rewards will go directly to your currency tab (as usual) and will be delivered in the loot window as two items: the regular cache of Stabilizer Fragments that you always receive and a bonus cache of Stabilizer Fragments with the appropriate bonus amount. Need a refresher on what's in which capsule? Check out our updated Time Capsule guide!

Remember, it takes 15 Stabilizer Fragments to form one Stabilizer, which can then be used to open any existing Time Capsule.

When you complete the event, you will get five times as many Stabilizer Fragments than you normally do. This week – from Thursday, June 3, 2021, through Wednesday, J– all players will receive BONUS Stabilizer Fragments when completing the daily Stabilizer event in the On Duty menu. Two new base "items" have been be added to the Death of Superman vendor (for Tributes).įinally, earn 5X Stabilizer Fragments all week long, too! Tributes are used primarily to purchase gear and rewards from the Death of Superman vendors. Use your map to warp to or travel to Doomed Metropolis to collect missions and fight Doomsday in the open world.Look for the Last Son of Krypton solo in the 1-Player On Duty menu right at the top (just under the Vault).The Danvers family has Dick Malverine, Lindas boyfriend over the house to watch TV, and they see on the news that Superman is out in space on a mission with his. The story features Supergirls first real battle with Lex Luthor, following the revelation of her existence to the world in 'The Worlds Greatest Heroine'. Look for the Doomsday raid (hard) under the Tier 9 section of the 8-player On Duty menu The Death of Luthor was a Supergirl story appearing in Action Comics 286.Disabled Thursday and expected to be enabled Friday.Look for the Doomsday raid (easy) under the Tier 2 section of the 8-player On Duty menu.50% discount on Death of Superman gear at vendors.DOUBLE Tributes when completing instanced or mission content in Death of Superman.This week – from Thursday, June 3, 2021, through Wednesday, J– players will enjoy: It's an iconic and tragic story that gets retold over and over.in DC Universe Online: the Death of Superman! Earn double rewards and more all week.